01:00:23 Structured Create new playlist Create new playlist CPD Verifiable: The Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (CRISA 2) info session May 16, 2023
00:14:58 Create new playlist Create new playlist In The Spotlight | CFA Society South Africa - Day of the girl November 23, 2022
01:26:54 Structured Create new playlist Create new playlist CPD Verifiable – CFA Society South Africa and Absip feature: South Africa’s Equity Market February 1, 2022
01:49:21 Create new playlist Create new playlist CFA Society South Africa Day of the Girl - Career in Finance online webinar October 12, 2021
00:40:47 Create new playlist Create new playlist Women in Finance | ESG in Conversation | Investing in sustainable & diversified companies September 7, 2021
01:18:12 Create new playlist Create new playlist Women In Investment Management webinar: My Fearless Journey August 19, 2021